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Archives: 2022

How to Keep Your Backyard Campfires Safe

How to Keep Your Backyard Campfires Safe

There is nothing like a campfire to create a cozy atmosphere when friends and family get together under the stars. A fire draws the gaze and lets you keep warm while socializing in the cool of the evening. A campfire can even be used to cook a meal if you have the right type of fire and accessories. But where there is fire, there is...

Comprehensive vs. Collision Auto Insurance

Comprehensive vs. Collision Auto Insurance

Comprehensive and collision are two different types of auto insurance coverage. You may want to bundle them together for added protection. Comprehensive may cover situations that collision does not, and vice versa. What Is Comprehensive Auto Insurance? Comprehensive pays for damage to your vehicle caused by non-collision-related covered events. These events may include vandalism, theft, hail, or fire. Comprehensive may also cover a collision with...

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